Lucky Lookout – Coming soon!

How many times has this happened to you:

You’re at the drugstore, picking up toothpaste and soap and other such mundane items, when the sign for the Family Planning aisle catches your eye. “Eh, I don’t need to pick those up today,” you say to yourself. “I have plenty at home.”

You go about your day. That weekend, you tumble into bed with your partner, or spouse, or that appealing stranger you met at the bar. You reach into your bedside drawer for protection and…… you and your companion sit on the couch in frustration and watch Game of Thrones to pass the time.

Well, no more! My app, LUCKY LOOKOUT, is there for you to keep track of whatever you use to practice safe sex to avoid the situation I just described. No more running out unexpectedly, just check the app and see how your supplies are doing.

Lucky Lookout, the brand new and inaugural app from Robinson Software, allows you to quickly and easily manage your supply of 15 common items used in safer sexual practices, including non-latex items for those with allergies. It also lets you set a discreet weekly reminder to keep your counts up-to-date and head to the store if you have to.

Lucky Lookout is also private, sending no data about your habits back to Robinson Software and storing all data locally.

So, keep your eyes on this space for the launch of LUCKY LOOKOUT coming within the next week!

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